Monday, March 12, 2012

The server returned a non-specific error when trying to get data from the data source

The server returned a non-specific error when trying to get data from the data source. Error in SPD when try to se the Data source of a SP list.
After long search i understood that the calculated field i have added caused this issue.
Initially i added a calculated field Close Date with DateTime data type.
=IF([Statuscolmn]="Closed",[ModifiedColmn]," ")
=IF([Statuscolmn]="Closed",[ModifiedColmn],) This solves the issue but it will insert 12/30/1899 for False condition and not acceptable in reports.

"The server returned a non-specific error..." message was thrown when the dataset returned to the dataview included a row with the calulated field was set to "" or NA. 

To solve this
convert the calculated field type to single line of text. And i changed the  Formula to


this solved my issue.